Welcome to the crazy world of you've-to-do-everything-from-right-within-your-vim!
I've written a simple Vim script for Twitter, you can update your status and track public or your friends time line with this script.
NOTE: It requires your Vim to be compiled with Python bindings (which is; in most distributions by default)
Thanks for your twitter script. I wrote some mappings for it that I find useful. Since I can't add comments to your script page on vim.sf.net, I thought you might want to mention them.
tp will prompt you for your twitter password so you don't have to hardcode it in a file.
tw will prompt you for your status message. I still run into problems with special characters and I haven't looked into what's causing that yet.
tf will list your friend's twitters.
Here's what I added to my _vimrc:
" helpful mappings for using twitter.vim
" see http://vim.sourceforge.net/scripts/script.php?script_id=1853
let g:twitterusername='username'
let g:twitterpassword=''
map tp :let g:twitterpassword=inputsecret('password? ')
map tw :execute 'TwitterStatusUpdate ' . inputdialog('Enter a Twitter status message:')
map tf :TwitterFriendsTimeline
map <unique> <eader>tp <Esc>:let g:twitterpassword=inputsecret('password? ')<cr>
map <unique> <eader>tw <Esc>:execute 'TwitterStatusUpdate ' . inputdialog('Enter a Twitter status message:')<cr>
map <unique> <eader>tf <Esc>:TwitterFriendsTimeline<cr>
Thanks a lot for your tips, I'll add your comments. Nice ones
just wanted to say hello and best wishes for ya.
Soldier bijan